Here is something interesting I heard about....then did a little googling and found it. So I thought I'd share. This is NOT my work!
One of the things a lot of people don’t know about Bobby Fischer is that his favorite hobby is visiting art galleries and museums. Once while on vacation in Europe, he became captivated by one particular painting called Checkmate. It was the picture of a chess game. On one side of the board was Satan with a smug and sinister smile on his face. On the other side of the board was a young man with tears running down his face and sweat pouring down his forehead. He was biting his fingernails. Satan was reaching out to make the last move. The young man looked terrified. Apparently, he thought he had lost the game to Satan.
Again, the painting is called Checkmate. Satan smiled. The young man was panicked. And as Satan reached out to make the last move, things seemed hopeless for the young man.
After six hours of staring at the painting, Bobby Fischer said, “Bring me a chess board.” He set up the board exactly as it was depicted in the painting. After a few moments, he began to smile. “Young man,” he said, “I wish you could hear me because I have some good news for you. Things aren’t as dark as they seem to be. I have studied this game for more than six hours, and I have discovered that it’s all right to allow the devil to make his move. Because after he makes his move, I’ve found that there is one more move on the board! Let him make his move. You’ll be the one who says, ‘Checkmate!’ There is one more move on board.”
Do you see what this means for you on this Easter Sunday? You can live with the confidence that your life is never checkmate. With Jesus there is always one more move. So you can have the courage to face tomorrow, no matter what happens today. For with Jesus the darkness never overwhelms the light, evil never defeats goodness, and death never overcomes life. Christ is risen, and so shall we. Rise out of the depths of despair. Rise out of the depths of the grave. Rise out of the depths of whatever holds us back from lasting intimacy with God.

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